
We offer a cost effective, flexible material handling solution that works with people.


Increasingly complex supply chains and customer demands for more rapid delivery are an unfortunate reality. Existing automation solutions are expensive, inflexible, and do not solve the whole problem.

Our systems are quick to deploy and are easily modifiable to keep up with your changing workflows.

Easy to set up and modify

We offer no-code setup and customization tools so you can easily define locations, workflows, and behaviors for an entire robot fleet in a day.


Reduce walking time

Our robots save you time by transporting materials, allowing production associates to focus their efforts on more valuable tasks. Our software system optimizes workflows for people and robots.


Easy to use

Our robots have handlebars for quick take-over and manual operation. They are easy to learn to use and they learn from you, too. Of course, they also make heavy payloads feel light.


Deliver & track valuable items

Our robots provide just-in-time deliveries of custom payloads, including tools and kits. They also track their payloads, using on-board cameras and load sensors.

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